Some of the past dance events held by TECD

2018 and beyond...
We're still dancing, just gotten out of the habit of updating here. See you at a dance!
March 2, 9 2018 Karen Millyard calling
February 2, 9, 16, 23 2018 Karen Millyard calling
January 19, 26, 2018 Karen Millyard calling
December 22, 2017 Solstice dance: Bridget Whitehead with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val, Barbara Ackerman
December 1, 2017 Vivian Stephens calling with Stephen Fuller
November 24, 2017 Vivian Stephens calling with Stephen Fuller
November 3, 10, 17, 2017 Karen Millyard calling
October 6, 20, 27, 2017 Karen Millyard calling
October 13, 2017 John Erskine calling with Stephen Fuller
September 29, 2017 Karen Millyard calling
August 17, 2017 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
July 30, 2017 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
March 11, 18, 25, 2017 Annex workshop: Karen Millyard calling
February 25, 2017 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val
February 4, 2017 Workshop with Karen Millyard
January 28, 2017 Annex workshop: Karen Millyard calling
January 14, 2017 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val
December 31, 2016 New Year's Eve dance with Tara Bolker, Karen Millyard, Christine Robb, Vivian Stephens, Bridget Whitehead, and Walter Zagorski calling, with Ben Bolker, Stephen Fuller, and Gwen Harper
December 21, 2016 Solstice dance: Christine Robb with Stephen Fuller, Stephanie Martin
December 3, 2016 Workshop with Walter Zagorski
November 18, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val
November 14, 2016 Workshop with Karen Millyard
October 30, 2016 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val
October 21, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val
October 6, 2016 Intro-level workshop with Karen Millyard
August 14, 2016 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
August 7, 2016 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker calling
July 24, 2016 Dancing in High Park: Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller
July 17, 2016 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
June 18, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Nina Soyfer
June 4, 2016 Intensive evening workshop with Walter Zagorski calling
May 27, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Barbara Ackermann, Dorothy de Val, Susanna McCleary
May 13, 2016 Annex dance: Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
April 22, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Nina Soyfer
April 8, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Nina Soyfer
April 2, 2016 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
March 18, 2016 Annex dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Nina Soyfer
March 5, 2016 Afternoon workshop with Karen Millyard
March 4, 2016 Fundraising folk dance in aid of Syrian refugees - Tara Bolker and Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, DJ Moons, Peter Stoll
February 6, 2016 Karen Millyard calling with Kevin Budd and Stephanie Martin
December 31, 2015 New Year's Eve dance with Karen Millyard, Christine Robb, Bridget Whitehead, and Walter Zagorski calling with Dorothy de Val, Stephen Fuller, and Peter Stoll
December 19, 2015 Solstice dance: Tara Bolker calling with Ben Bolker and Dorothy de Val
December 5, 2015 Walter Zagorski calling with Dorothy de Val and Stephen Fuller
November 7, 2015 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
October 3, 2015 Karen Millyard calling with Kevin Budd, Dorothy de Val, and Stephen Fuller
September 27, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Elan Dresher and Stephen Fuller
September 20, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Walter Zagorski calling
August 30, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Elan Dresher and Stephen Fuller
August 23, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker calling with Stephen Fuller
August 16, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
August 2, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker calling with Ben Bolker
July 26, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller
July 5, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard and Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller and Maureen Keating
July 2, 2015 A workshop on historical dance by John Garden of Canberra, Australia
June 21, 2015 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker, Karen Millyard and Walter Zagorski calling with Ben Bolker and Stephen Fuller
June 6, 2015 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
May 2, 2015 Susie Bunting and Karen Millyard calling with Kevin Budd and Stephen Fuller
April 23, 2015 Shakespeare's Birthday Dance Party: Karen Millyard calling
April 4, 2015 Karen Millyard and Walter Zagorski calling with Barbara Ackerman, Brian de Lima, and Stephen Fuller
March 21, 2015 Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller and Stephanie Martin
March 7, 2015 Karen Millyard calling with Dorothy DeVal and Stephen Fuller
February 12, 2015 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
February 7, 2015 Walter Zagorski calling with Barbara Ackerman and Stephanie Martin
January 17, 2015 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
December 31, 2014 New Year's Eve dance with Tara Bolker, Karen Millyard, Christine Robb, and Walter Zagorski calling with Barbara Ackerman and Stephen Fuller
December 20, 2014 Solstice dance: Christine Robb with Barbara Ackerman, Dorothy DeVal, Stephen Fuller
December 6, 2014 Walter Zagorski calling with Kevin Budd and Stephen Fuller
November 14-16, 2014 A Weekend with Gene Murrow and Peter Barnes, Earl Gaddis, and Jacqueline Schwab of Bare Necessities
November 1, 2014 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller and Jim Howard
October 9, 2014 Christine Robb calling with Dorothy DeVal, Stephen Fuller, Peter Stoll
October 4, 2014 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
September 7, August 10, 2014 Dancing in High Park: Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller
August 31, August 17, July 27, July 6, June 21, 2014 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
August 24, 2014 Dancing in High Park: Les Francey calling with Stephen Fuller
May 29, 2014 Karen Millyard calling
May 17, 2014 Karen Millyard calling with Dorothy de Val and Stephen Fuller
May 3, 2014 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
April 24, 2014 Shakespeare's 450th birthday dance: Karen Millyard calling
April 19, 2014 Karen Millyard calling with Kevin Budd, Dorothy de Val, and Stephen Fuller
April 5, 2014 Dan Seppeler calling with Barb Seppeler
March 20, 2014 Spring Equinox dance: Karen Millyard calling
March 1, 2014 Karen Millyard calling with Barbara Ackerman and Stephen Fuller
February 1, 2014 Tara Bolker calling with Get Your Coat (Ben Bolker, Gwen Harper)
December 31, 2013 New Year's Eve dance with Karen Millyard, Christine Robb, and Dan Seppeler calling with Barb Seppeler and Laurie Williams of Serendipity
November 2, 2013 Karen Millyard calling with Liz Acker and Barbara Ackerman
October 25, 2013 Dan Seppeler calling with Barb Seppeler
October 11, 2013 Christine Robb calling with Barbara Ackerman, Stephen Fuller, and Barb Seppeler
October 5, 2013 Tara Bolker calling with Kevin Budd, Stephen Fuller, and Dorothy de Val
September 7, 2013 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller and Dorothy de Val
August 25, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
August 11, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker calling
August 4, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Tara Bolker calling with Stephen Fuller
July 20 and 27, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
July 14, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Les Francey calling with Stephen Fuller
June 21, 2013 Summer Solstice dance in High Park: Walter Zagorski, Les Francey and Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
June 16, 2013 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
May 17-19, 2013 A Weekend with Brad Foster & Foxfire
May 10, 2013 Karen Millyard and Vivian Stephens calling with Stephen Fuller and Dorothy de Val
April 6, 2013 Sheila Scott calling with Stephen Fuller and Kevin Budd
March 2, 2013 Karen Millyard calling with Barb Seppeler and Kevin Budd
February 2, 2013 Sheila Scott calling with Stephen Fuller and Brian Katz
December 31, 2012 New Year's Eve dance with Kyle Hardman, Karen Millyard, Christine Robb and Bridget Whitehead calling, Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val and Jeff Burke
December 21, 2012 Solstice dance: Christine Robb with Kevin Budd, Stephen Fuller and Barb Seppeler
December 1, 2012 Bridget Whitehead calling with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val, Kevin Budd and Jeff Burke
November 3, 2012 Dan Seppeler calling with Barb Seppeler
October 26, 2012 Bridget Whitehead calling with Stephen Fuller and Jeff Burke
October 6, 2012 Christine Robb calling with Stephen Fuller, Barbara Ackerman and Dorothy de Val
September 30, 2012 Dancing in High Park Harvest Festival : Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
September 23, 2012 Dancing at Word on the Street: Karen Millyard and Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller
September 16, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Walter Zagorski calling with Stephen Fuller
September 2, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller
August 19, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Bridget Whitehead calling with Les Francey and Stephen Fuller
July 29, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Les Francey calling with Stephen Fuller and Barbara Ackerman
July 8, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Bridget Whitehead and Kyle Hardman calling with Shelley Coopersmith and Stephen Fuller
May 20, 2012 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller and Barbara Ackerman
May 5, 2012 Bridget Whitehead calling with Rose Bolton, Stephen Fuller, and Kevin Budd
April 7, 2012 Sheila Scott calling with Kevin Budd, Dorothy de Val, and Stephen Fuller
March 3, 2012 Karen Millyard calling with Brian Katz, Liz Acker and Stephen Fuller
February 4, 2012 Tara Bolker calling with Ben Bolker and Dorothy de Val
December 31, 2011 New Year's Eve dance with Karen Millyard and Christine Robb calling, Stephen Fuller, Barbara Ackerman, Peter Stoll and Barb Seppeler
December 21, 2011 Solstice dance: Christine Robb with Stephen Fuller, Rose Bolton and Don Englert
December 3, 2011 Dale Hyde with Stephen Fuller, Don Englert and Kevin Budd
November 5, 2011 Sheila Scott with Shelley Coopersmith, Barbara Ackerman and Karen Rymal
September 11, 2011 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard and friends with Stephen Fuller and Barbara Ackerman
August 28, 2011 Dancing in High Park: Karen Millyard and Bridget Whitehead with Rose Bolton and Peter Stoll
July 17, 2011 Dancing in High Park: Bridget Whitehead with Stephen Fuller and Brian Katz
July 5, 2011 John Garden workshop
June 26, 2011 Dancing in High Park: Cavalcade of callers with Stephen Fuller and Barbara Ackerman
June 5, 2011 Dancing in High Park: Cavalcade of callers with Don Englert and Shelley Coopersmith
May 7, 2011 Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller, Barbara Ackerman and Dorothy de Val
April 2, 2011 Dale Hyde calling with Stephen Fuller, Barbara Ackerman and Stephanie Martin
March 5, 2011 Tara Bolker calling with Ben Bolker, Don Englert and Brian Katz
February 5, 2011 Sheila Scott calling, with Stephen Fuller, Stephanie Martin and Barbara Ackerman
January 23, 2011 Brunch dance: Cavalcade of Callers, with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val and Barbara Ackerman
December 21, 2010 Solstice dance: Christine Robb calling, with Saskia Tomkins and Steafan Hannigan
December 4, 2010 Karen Millyard calling, with Ben Bolker, Dorothy de Val and Barbara Ackerman
November 6, 2010 Tara Bolker calling, with Stephen Fuller and Don Englert
October 2, 2010 Cavalcade of Callers - Sheila Scott, Dale Hyde, Karen Millyard, Bridget Whitehead, Melissa Coman, Josh Vear and Tara Bolker - with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val and Barbara Ackerman
June 18-20, 2010 A Weekend with Colin Hume & Foxfire held in conjunction with ECD Conference at York University on June 17-18, 2010
June 5, 2010 Dale Hyde calling, with Rose Bolton and Dorothy de Val
April 29, 2010 UNESCO Day of Dance: Karen Millyard calling with Stephen Fuller in various locations around Toronto
April 3, 2010 Karen Millyard calling with Bridget Whitehead and Vivian Stephens, with Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val and Barbara Ackerman
March 6, 2010 Sheila Scott calling, with Stephen Fuller and Kevin Budd
February 6, 2010 Karen Millyard calling, with Stephen Fuller and Kevin Budd
January 16, 2010 Sheila Scott calling, with Dorothy de Val, Stephen Fuller, and Kevin Budd
December 27, 2009 Christine Robb calling, with Dorothy de Val, Stephen Fuller, and Kevin Budd
December 5, 2009 Dale Hyde calling, with Stephen Fuller and Kevin Budd
October 13, 2009 Christine Robb calling, with Stephen Fuller and Kevin Budd
August 23, 2009 Dancing in High Park - Karen Millyard and Friends calling, with Stephen Fuller and Joe Pitre
June 19 - 21, 2009 A Weekend with Amarillis and Karen Millyard
April 4, 2009 First Saturday series: Karen Millyard calling, with Playford's Pleasure
March 7, 2009 First Saturday series: Sheila Scott calling, with Steafan Hannigan and Duncan Cameron
February 7, 2009 First Saturday series: Karen Millyard calling, with Playford's Pleasure (Stephen Fuller, Dorothy de Val and Barb Ackerman)
December 31, 2008 New Year's Eve Dance - 7th annual - Crowfoot and calling by David Smukler - a lively combination of English Country Dancing, contra dancing and couples dancing
December 21, 2008 Solstice dance: Christine Robb calling, with Saskia Tomkins and Steafan Hannigan
December 6, 2008 First Saturday series: Carmen Giunta calling, with Rose Bolton and Stephen Fuller
November 23, 2008 Brunch dance: David Smukler with Playford's Pleasure
November 1, 2008 First Saturday series: Sheila Scott calling, with City Fiddle
October 21, 2008 Trafalgar Ball with Ray Bantle leading the dance. Playford's Pleasure playing: Stephen Fuller (fiddle), Dorothy de Val (piano), Barbara Ackerman (flute).
October 4, 2008 First Saturday series debut: Karen Millyard calling, with Saskia Tomkins and Steafan Hannigan
September 14, 2008 Brunch dance: Richard Sauvain with Playford's Pleasure
July 26, 2008 Ray Bantle with Notorious (Eden MacAdam-Somer and Larry Unger) - afternoon waltz dance, evening English country dance
May 10, 2008 Karen Millyard with Playford's Pleasure
March 23, 2008 Brunch dance: Karen Millyard with Playford's Pleasure
March 9, 2008 Sheila Scott with Duncan Cameron and Fiona Coll
February 9, 2008 Walter Zagorski and Karen Millyard with Stephen Fuller (fiddle), Dorothy de Val (piano) and Joanna Shuster (oboe)
January 12, 2008 Judy Greenhill with Relative Harmony
December 31, 2007 New Year's Eve Dance - 6th annual - a lively combination of English Country Dancing, contra dancing and couples dancing
December 8, 2007 Karen Millyard with Playford's Pleasure (Steve Fuller, fiddle, and Dorothy de Val, piano) and Barbara Ackerman (flute)
November 10, 2007 David Smukler with the Groovemongers
May 12, 2007 Richard Sauvain with River Bend
March 10, 2007 Sheila Scott with Relative Harmony
February 10, 2007 Karen Millyard with Steve Fuller (fiddle), Dorothy de Val (piano) and Cathy Campbell (clarinet)
January 13, 2007 Karen Millyard with Steafan Hannigan and Saskia Tomkins
December 31, 2006 New Year's Eve Dance - 5th annual - a lively combination of English Country Dancing, contra dancing and couples dancing
December 9, 2006 David Smukler with Duncan Cameron (guitar) and Fiona Coll (fiddle)
November 11, 2006 Richard Sauvain with members of the Groovemongers: Rebecca McCallum (violin), Jane Knoeck (piano) with Cathy Campbell (clarinet)
October 27, 2006 Trafalgar Ball with Karen Millyard leading the dance. Trafalgar Trio playing: Stephen Fuller (violin), Cathy Campbell (clarinet) and Rick Avery (piano).
October 14, 2006 Pamela Goddard with Relative Harmony
September 22, 2006 Karen Millyard with Trafalgar Trio: Stephen Fuller, violin, Cathy Campbell, clarinet and Rick Avery, piano
September 9, 2006 Cathy Campbell with Stephen Fuller, D. Jay Moons playing
July 9, July 22, August 6, August 20, 2006   Dream Dances in High Park
May 20, 2006 Campbell House Ball: Dance Mistress Karen Millyard with Cathy Campbell and Stephen Fuller
May 13, 2006 Afternoon dance: London caller and musician Tom Siess and Buffalo's City Fiddle
March 11, 2006 Afternoon dance: David Smukler of Syracuse, NY with Hearts Delight
February 14, 2006 Last Tuesday dance
February 11, 2006 Afternoon dance: Sheila Scott with the Trafalgar Trio - Rick Avery, Cathy Campbell, and Steve Fuller
January 14, 2006 Afternoon dance: Judy Greenhill with Relative Harmony and Cathy Campbell
December 31, 2005 New Year's Eve Dance - 4th annual - bringing together the contra, English, and Irish dance communities
November 11-13, 2005 Netherfield Weekend with Graham Christian leading the dancing and dance reconstruction workshops, and Christopher Verrette leading the music reconstruction workshops.
Saturday afternoon: Stephen Fuller (violin) and D.J. Moons (piano)
Sunday ball: Stephen Fuller (violin), Rick Avery (keyboards), and Cathy Campbell (clarinet)
October 21, 2005 Trafalgar Ball with Pamela Goddard leading the dance. Stephen Fuller (violin), Rick Avery (keyboards), and Catherine Campbell (clarinet) playing.
September 10, 2005 Afternoon dance: Cavalcade of Callers
Cathy Campbell (flute), D.J. Moons (piano) and Marguerite Senecal (fiddle)
August 27, 2005 Regency set dance and waltz workshops and evening ball with Susan de Guardiola
Steve Fuller and Friends played for the evening ball
July 10, July 31, August 14, August 28, 2005   Dream Dances in High Park
June 17 - 19, 2005 A Weekend with Joseph Pimentel
May 20, 2005 Tom Roby with Relative Harmony
March 27, 2005 Afternoon dance: Easter Saturday dance. Sheila Scott with Michael Bietenholz (piano), Steve Fuller (fiddle), and Jennie Worden (flute)
January 29, 2005 Afternoon dance: Judy Greenhill with Relative Harmony
December 31, 2004 New Year's Eve Dance - 3rd annual - bringing together the contra, English, and Irish dance communities
November 28, 2004 The Netherfield Ball, Tom Roby
Catherine Campbell (clarinet), Stephen Fuller (fiddle), Vicky Obedkoff (piano)
October 9, 2004 Afternoon dance: Thanksgiving dance. Don Bell
Diane Bell (fiddle), Jeff Burke (bassoon), Stephen Fuller (fiddle), Jennie Worden (flute)
2004 and earlier
August 29, 2004 Regency dance workshop with Susan de Guardiola
June 18 - 20, 2004   A Weekend with Colin Hume
December 31, 2003 New Year's Eve Dance - 2nd annual - bringing together the contra, English, and Irish dance communities
August 25, 2003 Regency dance workshop with Susan de Guardiola
July 26, 2003 5th Annual Saturday Evening English Country Dance in the park
December 31, 2002 New Year's Eve Dance - bringing together the contra, English, and Irish dance communities
July 6, 2002 4th Annual Saturday Evening English Country Dance in the park
January 8, 2002 Baroque country dance workshop with Daniel Gariepy of La Belle Danse
July 28, 2001 3rd Annual Saturday Evening English Country Dance in the park
July 22, 2000 2nd Annual Saturday Evening English Country Dance in the park
February 19, 2000 An Elegant Madness Regency workshop and ball with Cathy Stephens
July 24, 1999 1st Annual Saturday Evening English Country Dance in the park


Some of the past musical events held by TECD

November 15, 2014 Musicians' workshop, Peter Barnes and Jacqueline Schwab leading
November 13, 2014 Musicians' workshop, Peter Barnes leading
April 19, 2014 Musicians' workshop, Steve Fuller leading
April 5, 2014 Musicians' workshop, Barb Seppeler leading The Band's the Thing
December 8, 2007 Musicians' workshop, Steve Fuller leading Fearless Improvising
December 10, 2005 Musicians' workshop, Steve Fuller leading Harmony Made Simple
November 11-13, 2005 Netherfield Weekend with Christopher Verrette leading the music reconstruction workshops
October 22, 2005 Musicians' workshop, Jeff Burke leading Fearless Improvising
September 24, 2005 Musicians' workshop, Rick Avery leading Playing Together
August 28, 2005 Musicians' workshop, Cathy Campbell leading Learning, Playing and Varying the Tune
July 31, 2005 Musicians' workshop, Steve Fuller leading Rhythms of English Country Dance Music



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